
Creating a plugin

Creating a plugin is simple. First of all, you need to create the necessary files: a file for your plugin code (in our case:, and a templates folder, with a Jinja template inside. It should be structured like below:

└── templates
    └── index.html

In you need to create a class for your plugin inheriting from Plugin:

from flask_pluginengine import Plugin

class ExamplePlugin(Plugin):

    Just an example plugin

Second, you need to fill the For example:

from setuptools import setup

    entry_points={'example': {'example_plugin = example_plugin:ExamplePlugin'}}

It’s important to define a proper entry point to the plugin’s class: 'example' is the namespace we are going to use later in the application’s configuration.

Now you can install the plugin running in console:

$ pip install -e .

Current plugin

Very useful feature of Flask-PluginEngine is the current_plugin global value. It’s a proxy to the currently active plugin.

Example plugin functionality

Now let’s give our plugin some functionality to show how you can use it. In this example we will render the plugin’s template from our application.

Let our index.html template display for example the plugin’s title and description:

{% extends 'base.html' %}

{% block content %}
    <h1>{{ plugin.title }}</h1>
    <div>{{ plugin.description }}</div>
{% endblock %}

Notice that the template extends a base.html. We are going to use the application’s base template.

Let’s create a blueprint in

plugin_blueprint = PluginBlueprint('example', __name__)

In order to create a blueprint of a plugin we need to create a PluginBlueprint instance.

Then we can create a function rendering the template:

def hello_plugin():
    return render_template('example_plugin:index.html', plugin=current_plugin)

We can render any plugin template inside our application specifying the name of the plugin before the template name in the render_template function, like above. We are also passing a current_plugin object to the template.

Now, in the plugin class we can create a method returning the plugin’s blueprint:

def get_blueprint(self):
    return plugin_blueprint

So our plugin code should look like this:

from flask import render_template
from flask_pluginengine import Plugin, PluginBlueprint, current_plugin

plugin_blueprint = PluginBlueprint('example', __name__)

def hello_plugin():
    return render_template('example_plugin:index.html', plugin=current_plugin)

class ExamplePlugin(Plugin):

    Just an example plugin

    def get_blueprint(self):
        return plugin_blueprint

To get more information see the Plugin API reference. You can find the source code of the plugin in the example folder.